
Secretary of Labor Announces Fall Prevention Campaign

Hilda Solis, the Secretary of Labor, announced a new campaign led by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to prevent deadly falls in the construction industry. The campaign will provide employers and workers with life-saving information and educational materials about working from ladders, scaffolds, and roofs safely.

In 2010, more than 10,000 construction workers were injured while falling from heights during work, and 225 other workers were killed from falling from heights. The Labor Department sponsored a summit in April for Worker Safety and Health in honor of Workers’ Memorial Day.

Workers’ Memorial Day is observed on April 28 to remember the workers who lost their lives as a result of preventable injuries. Solis said, “The best way to honor Workers’ Memorial Day is to make sure that another family does not have to suffer the pain of losing a loved one because of preventable workplace injuries. Falls are the most fatal out of all hazards in the construction industry, accounting for almost one in every three construction worker deaths. Our simple message is that safety pays, and falls cost.”

OSHA’s campaign was created with the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). OSHA and NIOSH will work with trade associations, labor unions, employers, universities, community and faith-based organizations, and consulates to provide both employers and workers with education and training on fall prevention equipment and strategies to save lives.

Assistant Secretary of Labor said, “The busy summer months in the construction industry are upon us, and now is the time to ensure that workers and employers understand what is required to prevent falls. When working at heights, everyone needs to plan ahead to get the job done safely, provide the right equipment and train workers to use the equipment safely.”

Pulgini & Norton, LLP attorneys have handled workers’ compensation claims for over 25 years in and around Boston and its surrounding areas. If you or a family member has been injured at work and would like to seek legal assistance, please contact us at (781) 843-2200 or (888) 344-2046 or email us.

Cited Sources:

Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis observes Workers’ Memorial Day at Action
Summit for Worker Safety and Health, announces fall prevention campaign
, U.S. Department of Labor, April 26, 2012

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