
Steelworker Falls from Duxbury High School Roof

A steelworker was rushed to the hospital after falling twenty feet from the roof decking of the new high school under construction in Duxbury.Chief Kevin Nord stated that the worker was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries to his neck, back and torso. He also said that the Braintree office of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) were on their way to investigate the site.

Nord said two men fell from the roof decking, but one was caught by a safety harness and uninjured. The other was wearing a harness, but the cable snapped and the worker fell to the gravel below.

Other construction workers were able to free the worker suspended from his harness before emergency crews responded. The workers are building a $128 million joint middle-high school building in Duxbury.

Pulgini & Norton, LLP attorneys have handled workers’ compensation claims for over 25 years in and around Boston and its surrounding areas. If you or a family member has been injured at work and would like to seek legal assistance, please contact us at (781) 843-2200 or (888) 344-2046 or email us.

Cited Sources:

Steelworker falls 20 feet from roof at Duxbury high school construction site, Patriot ledger, March 20, 2013

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